Celebrities Are Bullied Too!

Another week, another Google Alert. I opened one recently talked about celebrities who were bullied growing up. Also, see information about a recent book entitled Miley Cyrus Miles to Go, where bullies her locked in the bathroom for more than an hour, and she thinks no one come and rescue. Jessica Simpson mentioned that the egg was thrown at the house and toilet papered. Others like Tom Cruise and Taylor Swift also shared memories of it in the hands of these little criminals in training during childhood. Fame has entered their lives and unfortunately, I do not believe that any bullying has stopped. His grown up if you ask me.
the lives of celebrities under the microscope. The public can not get enough of them. Fans sometimes do not know when to leave them alone. Society has taught us to worship these people and as a result, we expect them to always be nice, give and live up to the pedestal we put them on. If they have a bad day, forget to sign an autograph or a walk from the house with a shirt that does not meet with fans or others, they are sure to see plastered all over the internet and be one of the top searches in search engines. I live in Los Angeles, and I saw a paparazzi chase these people with cameras and cars. There is no privacy in my life and that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness went through prozor.Javnost believe that since they are, they must share every aspect of your life with the rest of us. In other words, we expect to live as they do because of who they are.
I only have to say that celebrities live their lives being bullied. They are stalked, harassed, slandered, pressured by their peers and are expected to live a perfect life. One step over the line and they crucified him. They have no rights and can not even throw out garbage without people going through it. The Company believes that not only are expected to be perfect, but when you succeed, or something bad happens, everyone can not wait to get their hands on magazines, tabloids and other animal feed. If you ask me, it's a wonder they can keep their health as they live under a microscope can be really difficult. Of course, they have money, but is it really worth all this? People are not wired to be like this and no wonder many spiral out of control.
Famous people like the rest of us. It just happens that their work is in public whether it be television or radio. In many ways it is like the rest of us. Some are families with children to support raising. Another use that money to pay high taxes to accumulate. Some are not even asked to celebrities as they are born into this lifestyle. Most importantly, they are not superhuman, and a sinner like the rest of us. Celebrity Worship Syndrome is a serious problem and we must stop the violence and enable them to live that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as the rest of us. Put yourself in the shoes for a minute. How would you feel if you had to leave his home incognito on a daily basis? Start a daily threat in the mail and to protect their children from abduction options? Look at everything you do in public or always running from the paparazzi? You do not even drive to Burger King for a whopper, without anyone finding out! Are your friends to sell for money or blackmail you get? Certainly something to think about in all this. Is this really necessary? We can not simply let live and let live?