TOMS Shoes Gives Focus on the Family the Boot

TOMS Shoes founder Blake Mycoskie spoke last month at an event sponsored by Focus on the Family. The event, "down to earth", focuses on the efforts made by Mycoskie free shoes for children in Africa. The main objective is to try to become a distributor of TOMS shoes in Africa, Mycoskie Jezebel magazine was called, for his part in the event.

There is nothing inherently political about the distribution of shoes to children in Africa, of course. In theory it's good for the focus to spend less time trying to police the sex and really help people, but they have not really cut out the old one. And focus on the family is not the only group, TOMS, could transform the co-operation, is not the only group involved in the charity, the Christian mission. It carries significant cultural and political baggage, and for good reason. TOMS is a great risk of alienation of a constituency which has enthusiastically embraced its product, including myself.

TOMS Shoes Gives Focus on the Family the Boot

TOMS Shoes
TOMS Women's Classic Canvas Slip-On,Olive,8.5 M US

Mycoskie said, by FOTF:

If I had known the full extent of the focus on the beliefs of the family, I would not have accepted the invitation to speak at their event. It 'was an oversight on my part and a part of society and what we are sorry. Over the past 18 months we have introduced more than 70 different missions and we will do our best to ensure that we carefully choose our commitments on this, we have for evil.

Focus President Jim Daly expressed his disappointment over the incident, and still hoped to talk with him Mycoskie at the TOMS mission is to "broadcast in Africa.

"Yes, we believe that marriage is sacred, permanent union between a man and a woman. Yes, we in the political arena for public laws that we believe to be the truth," Daly said in the statement. "But the same Bible that tells us God's plan and purpose for marriage tells us that all men are created in His image and deserve respect and dignity."

We can decide whether the actions of Focus' against the LGBT community could even come close to splitting hairs "dignity and respect," but my question is: We have come so far, the road of partisan that we do not even with people with which we disagree, so that children in Africa will have shoes?

If we stick to the old, tattered, "What would Jesus do?" Question, I think, we should find shoes to Jesus to help people, regardless of who rubbed shoulders at the same time. Although I can not find food for the stories of Jesus, in collaboration with his opponents to the hungry and shoes, I found a case where it is likely a Pharisee (Luke 7)-thing to his disciples fed concerns to tarnish its reputation as an opponent of this particular group. Jesus did not have trouble reaching, with whom he disagrees, and some quite difficult topics.

I certainly do not agree to tolerate the traffic LGBT FOTF or spread on it (something to believe in what they are all in the "dignity and respect" is done) is, but how in the world we show them the truth of our community, if we steadfastly refuse to flog in areas where we can agree, or companies that work with them to work on common ground?

Soulforce has sought for years. They held talks with their opponents and organized trips by bus to try and open communication between LGBT people and the religious right. These steps are important because they can through activities such as anti-LGBT organizations FOTF how to get to know us and understand us and accept us, perhaps over time as we do.

The best answer would be here to Mycoskie, a partnership with an LGBT group have been, or perhaps welcome LGBT United Church of Christ-how of such a partnership, while suggesting that all the groups together to get there. Imagine, Focus, UCC, and a national LGBT group together to help those in need. In a world of equity, but the politics of destruction: It 'important and historic step towards reconciliation would be. If the emphasis has been refused, and, of course, they show their true, and we can rightly outraged.

As part of the world that we are never the hearts and minds of those who against us?